About us

Viamax-CreamsGelsGlides-BlackB-MirrorViamax was founded in Sweden in 2001. The founders of Viamax came up with the idea that the scientific breakthrough with 1998 years Nobel Prize in Physiology could be used to create products for sexual enhancement. His best friend from childhood joined the company short after the start and together they started to lay out the foundations of the company. His background in the financial sector combined with Peters skills in sales and marketing turned out very well and soon the product range started to take form.

The first step on the Viamax journey was to launch the product Sensitive Gel. With a formula based on the Nobel Prize discoveries the product soon became a bestseller and its enhancing effect on female orgasms are still today unmatched on the market.

After the success with Sensitive Gel, they started to sweep the world for knowledge regarding traditional herbal ingredients known as aphrodisiacs. The search lead them to Asia, Africa, and Latin America and they gathered the unique ancient herbal knowledge that, at that time, was unknown in the western world. Still today this knowledge is a strong part of the Viamax foundation.

At the same time Viamax used their close contact with persons working inside the home-party business, at this time a new trend, to gather invaluable insights regarding the consumer needs. With these insights in mind, the Viamax product range started to develop. All products were created with a focus at modern needs in terms of sexual health. By combining the ancient knowledge (such as Thai herbs like Butea superba) and bringing the herbs to Swedish quality manufacturing facilities, products were created with a quality and effect unlike any other. The Viamax vision had finally become a reality.

Apart from Viamax focus on consumer needs and premium quality, a big factor behind the success have been the rigorous sense of details. When, for example, Viamax created a silicone lubricant, tremendous effort was put into finding out the optimal silicone molecule size to make the product the best on the market. And that philosophy goes on again with every product. No detail seem to be too small when you develop the world leading premium pleasure enhancers, or as Viamax like to call their product range: Pleasurizers.

After more then a century on the market, the knowledge, vision and research behind Viamax have created a brand that today is the worlds leading developer of sexual enhancement products. The duos ideas are still breaking new ground and all the time spent chasing the very best of ingredients and effect is still today the companies strongest advantage.

To shop VIAMAX please head over to our new Official website: www.viamax.se

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